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February 19, 2025 1:08PM
February 19, 2025 13:08PM

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IRWD 0095 WS LP Imagery  Chapman1
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Chapman University Rinker Health Science Campus

The Harry and Diane Rinker Health Science Campus, at 9401 and 9501 Jeronimo Road in Irvine, is home to six graduate programs from Chapman University’s School of Pharmacy and the Crean College of Health and Behavioral Sciences. The campus, dedicated in October 2014, is ideally located in the Irvine Spectrum technological hub to provide cutting-edge health-science education.

In March 2018, the Rinker Health Science Campus earned IRWD’s WaterStar Certification for installing water-efficient plumbing fixtures throughout both campus buildings and changes to the landscape.

The landscape measures that helped the Rinker Health Science Campus earn a WaterStar include conversion from turf to drought-tolerant plants on a portion of their landscape, along with the installation of smart weather-based irrigation controllers. Plans are in the works to replace more of the remaining turf with drought-tolerant plant varieties.

As the result of these measures, the Rinker Health Science Campus will save approximately 2 million gallons per year. Mackenzie Crigger, energy and sustainability manager for Chapman University, explains, “We have a great staff that works very hard to keep our water use low, but there are always ways to save more. The WaterStar program provided an easy way for us to see where we could make improvements and see what new technology and water efficiency programs were available that we could utilize.”

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