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February 07, 2025 12:44AM
February 07, 2025 0:44AM

customer care

Fleming Tank, Pump Station Project

Fleming Tank Pump Station Map

Irvine Ranch Water District is upgrading its drinking water tank and pump station at Santiago Canyon and Silverado Canyon roads. The project started construction in the fall of 2022, and is slated for completion in early 2025.

This project will enhance drinking water storage and pumping reliability for customers of Santiago, Silverado, Williams, and Modjeska canyons, and will also be available for emergency fire conditions. (Click here to view a draft rendering of the project.)

The project includes:

  • •  Replacement of the existing 150,000-gallon steel storage tank with a 1.3 million-gallon concrete tank.
  • •  Replacement of the existing pump station with a new, state-of-the-art pump station to increase pumping reliability and redundancy.
  • •  A new pump building with space to serve as an outpost for the District in emergencies.
  • •  New disinfection facilities for water quality management.
  • •  A new building (approximately 1,000 square feet) to house IRWD equipment that is routinely used throughout the canyon areas.
  • •  Miscellaneous improvements to the site and the existing electrical and instrumentation systems.

The existing facilities will remain in service during construction of the new facilities to ensure uninterrupted water delivery to our customers. For more information, please contact IRWD Public Affairs at or 949-553-5500.


Month of February: Rip rap will be installed near the new drain structure in the middle of the month, to be followed by pavement work on Silverado and Santiago canyon roads. Work will continue on the site's access road, and a mixer, pump, and other equipment will be installed at the reservoir. 

Month of January: Construction of a drain structure across the street, originally scheduled for December, will take place this month. Retaining walls and a gate will be installed along the access road. Other work will be done to install equipment at the reservoir, lighting in the storage building, and to lay underground electrical in the access road.


Month of December: A drain structure will be installed across the street from the facility in the first half of the month, and work will continue on the pump station and retaining walls.

Month of November: Electrical work will continue inside the pump station, and drywall and cabinets will be installed in the Operations Room. Retaining walls will be constructed along the access road, and a retaining wall built for the site entrance. 

Month of October: Work will continue on the pump staion electrical and HVAC installation. Retaining walls for the access road will be installed, and vaults will be located, excavated and piped.

Month of September: Crews will connect new pipeline from the reservoir tank to the District's water distribution network in Santiago Canyon Road on Monday, Sept. 16. This will require a temporary disruption of service to the Peltzer Christmas Tree Farm. Ongoing work on the construction site will continue throughout the month.

Month of August: Work will take place early in the month to test and disinfect the new pipeline, and then to complete the tie-in to the water system. Ongoing work on the construction site will continue throughout the month. 

Month of July: Work will continue on yard piping, including the discharge line. Roadwork will take place on Santiago Canyon Road the week of July 22 to lay pipeline across the street. Traffic will be reduced to one lane during the roadwork, with flaggers on hand to keep traffic moving. 

Month of June: Work will continue on the storage and pump station buildings, including roof openings and skylights, along with yard piping and retaining wall work.

Month of May: Work will continue on the storage and pump station buildings, including roof openings and skylights. Yard piping will include installation of a discharge line. The retaining wall will be extended, and a generator will be installed on site.

Month of April: Work will continue on the storage and pump station buildings, reservoir hatches and backfilling behind the pump station wall.

Month of March: Work will take place on the storage and pump station buildings. Reservoir stairs will be installed and more work will be done on drain land sewer lines. Work planned for April includes repairs to the reservoir roof hatches, and backfilling behind the pump station wall. Pipeline installation across Santiago Road is expected to begin in late April or early May.

Month of February: Rain delays are expected this month. Masonry work is being done for the Pump Station and roof construction will take place on three buildings on site, including the pump station, once the masonry work is done. Other work includes yard piping, comstruction of a generator pad, and the installation of electrical conduit.

Month of January: Soil conditions identified during potholing last month revealed that the dirt does not have adequate compaction for boring, so road work is needed to lay utilities across Silverado Canyon Road on January 8-10. One lane of traffic will be open at all times, with flaggers on hand to keep traffic moving. Other work scheduled for this month includes concrete pours and block wall installation for on-site buildings, yard pipeline installation and utility work. Pump station work is scheduled to begin in February.


Month of December: Crews will continue work on the pump station and reservoir management system building. Some roadwork will occur on Dec. 18, when one day of potholing along Silverado Canyon Road will require intermittent lane closures with flaggers available to keep traffic moving in both directions. The rest of the month's work will include excavations on the side of the roadway to allow for boring underneath the roadway so that utility lines can be connected without any significant impact on traffic.

Month of November: Crews will be working this month to lay a foundation for the pump station, including the installation of footing forms, setting rebar, electrical conduit and cement pour. Work on an onsite storage building and reservoir management system building will also begin, including excavation and the installation of underslab conduit.

Month of October: Work will be focused on installing underground electrical, backfilling the pump station area, and installing underslab piping.

Week of Sept. 25: Work will be focused this week on pump cans and piping.

Week of Sept. 18: Crews will be completing construction of a retaining wall, and performing some pump station work.

Week of Sept. 4: There will be no work done on Monday in observation of the Labor Day holiday. Construction on the reservoir tank and pump station pipe cans will resume on Tuesday. Work is expected to shift next week to the Williams Pump Station, where there will be some deliveries of equipment and grading will begin to prepare the site for construction.

Week of August 28: Work on the reservoir tank is now 90% complete, continuing into mid-September. Construction will begin soon on the pump station, starting with the installation of the pump cans.

Week of August 21: Work will begin this week inside the reservoir and continue into mid-September. Retaining walls for the pump station will be wrapped up this week, at which time work will begin on excavation and pipeline installation required as a part of the pump station facility.

Week of August 14: Work will begin on the guardrail for the reservoir roof, and piping will be installed at the site. Construction will also begin on retaining walls at the site.

Week of August 7: Shotcrete work on the reservoir will continue this week, along with concrete pours for the pump station footing and walls.

Week of July 31: Shotcrete will be applied to the reservoir this week and into next week. Work will also continue on the pump station footing, with concrete pours for the footing and walls anticipated next week and into the following week.

Week of July 17: Blasting will continue this week, with exterior wrapping of the tank scheduled for late this week and into next week. Work on the project pump station is also expected to take place late this week and into early August.

Week of July 3: Removal of the deck shoring will continue this week. Tank work is scheduled to begin next week, including some abrasive blasting the week of July 17 to prepare the tank for exterior wrapping.

Week of June 25: Deck shoring will be removed once the concrete has cured, and yard pipeline will continue.

Week of June 19: Last week's concrete pours will be curing this week while yard piping takes place.

Week of June 12: Roof installation will continue this week, including section pours and the installation of construction joints. Recent pours are scheduled for curing next week while piping is installed in the yard.

Week of June 4: Roof installation will continue this week.

Week of May 29: Rebar and roof installation will continue this week. There will be no construction on Monday, due to the Memorial Day holiday.

Week of May 22: Pipeline installation will continue this week, and work will begin on installing rebar and roof sections.

Week of May 15: Pipeline installation will continue this week.

Week of May 8: Deck shoring will continue this week along with pipeline installation, which will continue into next week.

Week of May 1: Deck shoring will be installed this week, along with the ongoing installation of a retaining wall.

Week of April 24: Wall pours will continue through the end of the month.

Week of April 17: Work will continue on the wall pours and retaining wall.

Week of April 12: Construction will continue on wall pours through April, with work beginning on a retaining wall that will continue into early May.

Week of March 27: With one wall of the reservoir completed, work will continue on successive wall forms, rebar and concrete pours well into April.

Week of March 20: Work will continue on the wall reinforcement for the reservoir, weather permitting, with concrete pours to follow.

Week of March 13: Work will continue on the forms for the reservoir walls.

Week of March 6: Crews will be working on forms for the wall assembly.

Week of Feb. 27: Pouring of the reservoir floor is scheduled to take place this week, weather permitting. Once that is completed, forms will begin to be installed to pour the walls.

Week of Feb. 20: Rebar installation will be completed this week, followed by the setting of seismic cables. Pouring of the reservoir floor is expected to take place in late February.

Week of Feb. 13: Work will begin this week on laying the foundation and floor for the reservoir.

Week of Feb: 6: Prep work will be completed this week.

Week of Jan. 30: Work will continue on prep work to install the liner.

Week of Jan. 23: Work will begin this week to trench and install the reservoir liner, and continue into next week.

Week of Jan. 16: Under-tank construction is continuing this week.

Week of Jan. 2: Pipe work will continue this week, followed by the installation of encasements to protect the piping.


Week of Dec. 26:  Work will be continuing this week on undertank piping.

Week of Dec. 19:  On-site construction will continue this week. No work will take place on Dec. 23. 26 and 30.

Week of Dec. 12:  The installation of under-tank piping will continue as weather permits, with pipe encasements beginning next week.

Week of Dec. 5:  Work will begin this week to install under-tank piping.

Week of Nov. 21:  The access road to the site is being demolished this week, and grading and potholing will also continue.

Week of Nov. 14:  Interim grading will be done to prepare the site for construction.

Week of Nov. 7:  Potholing work will be starting to identify underground utilities. That work is expected to be completed in mid-November.

Week of Oct. 24:  Demolition work is being done as a part of the project. There will be no impact on services, which will continue to be provided throughout the duration of the project.

Week of Oct. 10:  Construction began this week with the setup of equipment and temporary facilities, and the installation of a construction fence.