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July 26, 2024 10:10PM
July 26, 2024 22:10PM

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IRWD honored for ongoing transparency

Irvine Ranch Water District has received its third District Transparency Certificate of Excellence from the Special District Leadership Foundation — recognizing years of outstanding public engagement, ethical leadership and openness.

IRWD received its first three-year certification in 2018, and its second in 2021. This year’s certificate will carry the District into 2027.

To receive the award, IRWD demonstrated completion of essential transparency requirements, including ethics training for all board members, properly conducting open public meetings, and filing financial transactions and compensation reports to the State Controller in a timely manner.

The Special District Leadership Foundation created the certificate program to promote public transparency and give agencies an opportunity to showcase their methods for engaging with the public and keeping them informed. Key information about IRWD can be found in the Transparency Center under the About Us tab on this website.